Equality, Diversity & Inclusion

1) POSTECH’s EDI (Equality, Diversity & Inclusion)

POSTECH members shall respect each other’s personalities and honor and not unfairly discriminate based on gender, age, disability, position, political ideology, religion, nationality, etc.
It is reflected in the General Ethics of the Code of Ethics of POSTECH.

2) Disability Services

There is a center for students with disabilities in POSTECH. It is stipulated in the Regulations on Support for Students with Disabilities. In the center for students with disabilities, POSTECH has schemes for people with disabilities: Support plan for teaching and learning for disabled students, Construction status and planning of convenience facilities for the disabled, and the living support plan for the disabled.
Also, POSTECH has the accommodation for people with disabilities.

Health & Wellbeing

1) Physical health-care service

POSTECH has health service center. This center provides health care services and enhances the health of POSTECH members.
Also, POSTECH support comprehensive medical checkups for physical healthcare services for faculties and staffs. It provides 300,000 won (230 USD) per person to receive medical checkups once a year.
Finally, all students(undergraduate and graduate students) can sign up student medical co-op plan. All members are eligible for up to a maximum of half a million KRW in reimbursement for 80% of his/her medical care costs.

2) Sexual and reproductive health-care service

POSTECH has family lounge. There are many facilities: Lactation Room(Sofa, Breast Pumping Machine, nursing pillow, Baby bed, table), Maternity Lounge(Recliner chairs, Leg massage machine).
Also, POSTECH provides sexual and reproductive education services to student, staffs, and faculties. (Look at the examples in the document below.)

3) Mental health support

POSTECH has Counseling Center.
The POSTECH Counseling Center is an independent institution devoted to student counseling and research on student issues.